Why overachieve when you can underachieve? For those people who enjoy getting achievements, but still would rather enjoy the game. Along with some Anime disscussion here and there. Feel free to post your own opiniopns on a game or anime, along with helpin
Published on December 29, 2008 By CarlitX In Technical

So, I have had the game for a few months now on my PC. I got it from a  friend and only played single or over Hamachi with him. And I finaly remebered while in EB games today that I really want to support it an have online functionality. So I did. 45$ later got home and started it up. Hangs at a balck screen. Thought it was my Nvida geforce drivers. Nope not it. Untinstaleld the game with Revo Uninstaller, completly removing any trace of it. Nope not it either. Found this site: http://tgnforums.stardock.com/?aid=174432 which had my problem with some solutions listed:


  • I try to start Sins but the screen is a mess of color or is black and never loads the game.

Possible solutions:

  1. Try turning off movies in the user.setting by changing ShowIntroMovies TRUE to ShowIntroMovies FALSE.
  2. Try manually changing the resolution of the game in user.setting by changing the values associated with WINDOWEDWIDTH and WINDOWEDHEIGHT.
  3. Try manually changing the MULTISAMPLETYPE setting to a value between 0 and 4 in the user.setting file.
  4. Try updating your sound card drivers to their latest version (this is especially important on brand new machines).
  5. Make sure you video drivers are up to date.
  6. Make sure you have the latest DirectX 9c.
  7. Try manually reducing all your texture levels in user.setting (set them to 0 for the lowest setting).
  8. Try updating to the latest version of Sins using Stardock Central.
  9. Try running in windowed mode (ISWINDOWED FALSE to TRUE) also set in user.setting.
  10. Try reinstalling Sins (make sure you uninstall and manually delete anything that might have been left over)
  11. Try changing the game resolution to the same resolution as your desktop.
Tried this and managed to get it running in a window. Still no go. But found out that it just does not respond. Soon as I launch it. Why now? it was workign last time  played it (which was about a month ago b/c i jump platform to platform. [XBox 360 to PC to Nintendo DS. And so on]). Now at least I can close it because before I could not even Alt+Tab out or anything. Always had to hard reset the PC. Can someone please help? t would be much aprectiated.

I fixed it. Ended up formating after a few more previously installed agmes refused to work. I blame it on the few malicious virsus i have had the past few months.

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